

Kontributor : Robby Kurniawan Apakah siklus pendapatan itu? Siklus pendapatan merupakan serangkaian aktivitas bisnis terkait pemrosesan transaksi secara berulang-ulang mengenai pemberian barang/jasa pada pelanggan dan menerima pelunasan dari pemberian barang/jasa tersebut. Barang/jasa yang diberikan haruslah sesuai dengan kesepakatan antara penjual dan pembeli, baik mengenai waktu, tempat maupun harga yang sesuai merupakan aktivitas utama dari kegiatan siklus pendapatan. Romney (2016) menjelaskan fungsi dasar sistem informasi dalam siklus pendapatan, seperti: Memproses data menjadi informasi mengenai berbagai aktifitas bisnis,  Menyimpan informasi tersebut yang nantinya akan digunakan sebagai pendukung pengambilan keputusan, dan  Mengawasi dan memastikan keandalan informasi terhadap sumber daya perusahaan. Apakah tujuan dari siklus pendapatan? Siklus pendapatan bertujuan untuk mengetahui secara rinci proses diterimanya pendapatan saat terjadi penagihan kas. ...


E-Banking Contribution: Delta Denida E-banking Electronic Banking (English: E-banking) E-banking, also known as internet banking, is an activity that conducts transactions, payments, and other transactions through the internet with a website owned by a bank equipped with a security system. From time to time, more and more banks are providing internet banking services or services that are regulated through Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 9/15 / PBI / 2007 of 2007 concerning 7722 Application of Risk Management in the Use of Information Technology by Commercial Banks. The implementation of internet banking is an application or application of information technology that continues to grow and is used to answer the desires of banking customers who want fast, safe, convenient and cheap services available at all times (24 hours/day, 7 days/week) and can be accessed anywhere it's from cellphones, computers, laptops/notebooks, PDAs, and so on. Information technology applications in ...

What is E-Business?

What is E-Business? Contribution: Melva Evita Turnip A. What is e-business? Electronic Business or E-Business is an activity of transactions, buying and selling, business conducted through electronic devices or with the internet so that companies can directly interact with customers, suppliers and business partners. Or the shorter meaning of e-business is the use of Information and Communication Technology to run and manage its business so that it can benefit. Information and Communication Technology in e-business is used to enhance the company's business which includes all profit-oriented and non-profit-oriented aspects of a company. E-business can also be said as an advertisement so that consumers can buy company products. So that e-business is very useful for e-comerce because the function of e-business is to support parts of the company such as production, finance, marketing, etc. So the company will use Information and Communication Technology to run and manage its ...

What is E-Learning?

What is E-Learning? Contribution: Riamdhani Silmia Yahya E-Learning or Electronic Learning is a process of teaching and learning using electronic media by utilizing computer technology, computer networks or the internet so that lecturers with students in the scope of higher education do not have to be face to face. E-learning is the basis and logical consequence of the development of information and communication technology to improve the effectiveness of learning and the quality of education. Examples of E-Learning Platforms Google Classroom. Google Classroom is a learning management system developed by Google and designed to provide instructional materials, assignment assignments and integrated assessment tests. Ruangguru (informal education). It’s a startup company that focuses on non-formal education to help students find various mentors in cyberspace. Zenius. Zenius is a local technology-based education company that provides online tutoring through guidance on ra...

Geographic Information System

Geographic Information System Contribution: Tifanny Laurenza Geographic Information System (GIS) is a system with software that can analyze and display data using digitized maps to enhance planning and decision making. This system designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage, and present spatial or geographic data. GIS works by providing alternative options to the user such as the fastest route, free traffic route, and the farthest route. GIS also gives an option according to what vehicle we use, for example, travel time if using a motorbike will be different from walking. The first known use of the term "geographic information system" was by Roger Tomlinson in the year 1968 in his paper "A Geographic Information System for Regional Planning". Tomlinson is also acknowledged as the "Father of GIS". In specific, GIS should all include the ability to digitize geographic features, connect geographic features to a database that has inform...


E-HEALTH Contributor: Diva Estriza Maharani Background One of the health services industry is currently developing in adopting information technology called E-Health. Since 1997, WHO has planned the use of information technology for health services and medical needs, until 2005 at the E-Health resolution number 58.28 in 2003 at the World Summit held in Geneva. In Indonesia, the use of information technology for the health sector has been regulated in Law No. 36 of 2009 concerning Health, were to carry out effective and efficient health efforts, health information is needed through information systems and across sectors. The development of E-Health in Indonesia, unlike the example of New Zealand, France, and other Western countries, has not shown rapid development. Indeed, the signs towards there have begun to be seen with the increasingly widespread study of the world of medical informatics, health sites and the medical world that began to be built up a lot. Understandi...

Electronic Money

Electronic Money Contributor: Shafira Alifiana Elmira Electronic money is one of the money that nowadays people used as payment ways in daily life. Electronic money only exists in digital format and the transaction used computer network like the internet or smart card that has a stored value. We called this as electronic cash, e-money, digital money, digital cash, or digital currency. The technology of digital money has a big potential for replacing coin or paper money in circulation now into a cashless society. Technology information system and financial are now integrated, people become familiar with digital money especially the youth or we called the generation z, many young people who have switched from cash to cashless. The advantage of using electronic money besides being practical, when transacting is also considered faster than using cash. Indonesian bank (BI) reports showing that the use of electronic money until quarter-1 2018 increased by 361 percent on an annua...