Contributor: Diva Estriza Maharani


One of the health services industry is currently developing in adopting information technology called E-Health. Since 1997, WHO has planned the use of information technology for health services and medical needs, until 2005 at the E-Health resolution number 58.28 in 2003 at the World Summit held in Geneva. In Indonesia, the use of information technology for the health sector has been regulated in Law No. 36 of 2009 concerning Health, were to carry out effective and efficient health efforts, health information is needed through information systems and across sectors. The development of E-Health in Indonesia, unlike the example of New Zealand, France, and other Western countries, has not shown rapid development. Indeed, the signs towards there have begun to be seen with the increasingly widespread study of the world of medical informatics, health sites and the medical world that began to be built up a lot.

Understanding E-Health

The word E-health consists of "E (electronics)" which means electronic and "health" which means public health in general. The term E-health began to appear at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century.

In general, E-health is an application in the health service industry that aims to improve access, efficiency, effectiveness and quality of medical and business processes, which involve medical service organizations (hospitals or clinics), medical practitioners (doctors or therapists), laboratories, pharmacies, insurance, and patients as consumers. Solutions offered by e-health include products, systems and services, for example:

  • Health information, electronic medical records,
  • Medicine purchase services,
  • Communication system between users, and
  • Other information related to disease prevention, diagnosis, treatment, health monitoring, and lifestyle management.

Simple Diagram E-Health System

The E-Health system consists of a number of "Medical Stations" that are connected to each other in a network (Network). A medical station itself can consist of:

  1. Computer with software in it
  2. A patient interface device
  3. A number of biomedical instruments (depending on requirements)
  4. A user interface device (following the input-output device used)
  5. Telecommunication networks and equipment are available

Basically, every medical station can connect with other medical stations by:

  1. Real-time (synchronously), for example during teleconsultation between general practitioners and specialists regarding emergency cases of a patient.
  2. Store and forward, the sending of information and reading is not at the same time, for example in a brief presentation of the number of recapitulations of the number of patients in the health center for a month along with important information briefly.

E-Health Forms

This term can include various services or systems that are on the edge of medicine/health and information technology, including:
  • Electronic health records: allow communication of patient data between different health professionals (doctors, specialists, etc.)
  • Telemedicine: physical and psychological care in the distance
  • Informatics health consumers: the use of electronic resources in the topics of healthy individuals or patients.
  • Health knowledge management: for example in a recent medical journal picture, best practice guidelines or epidemiological tracking (examples include doctor resources such as Medscape and MDLinx).
  • Virtual health team: consists of health professionals who collaborate and share information about patients through digital equipment (for transmural care).
  • M-Health: includes the use of mobile devices in data collection and aggregate patient health, providing health information for practitioners, researchers, and patients

  • Example of a Website about E-Health In Indonesia

    • http: /www.klikdokter.com/
    • is a site that promotes Indonesian-language health-based Communication, Information and Education (IEC) needed for the medical community and Indonesian citizens. This site was started in 2009 at the initiative of PT. Gaya Rabani which is engaged by Alumni of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (ILUNI FKUI) and the Association of the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Indonesia (ILUNI FKGUI), then officially supported by the Indonesian Medical Council (KKI) which regulates the registration of doctors and dentists in order to make this site a facility for searching doctors and dentists from all over Indonesia.
    • http:/Dinkes.surabaya.go.id/portal/
    • This site serves to provide health news as well as registration to health centers, hospitals or look for hospitals or health centers around Surabaya.
    • http:/www.idionline.org/
    • This site presents information about professional organizations whose members are Indonesian Doctors and national activities that have been carried out to be able to develop health sciences and professions.
    • http:/www.pdpersi.co.id/
    • This site functions as an intermediary, by implementing high computer and internet technology. This system was built aimed at connecting hospitals and other components in this industry so that they can communicate with each other, exchange information, and conduct transactions, so as to reduce costs, be able to provide better quality output and ease of access.
    • http:/www.kalbe.co.id/
    • is the site of a pharmaceutical company in Indonesia that provides information about generic medicine products, current news about the company, and so on.

      Benefits of Using the E-Health System

      The E-Health system is so beneficial to the world of health and medicine now because to balance the high activity and delivery of information in detail and quickly does require the application of computerized technology, along with other benefits of implementing the E-Health system in medicine:
      • Increased efficiency or reduced costs
      • Improving the quality of health services
      • Proof of diagnosis through scientific evaluation
      • Empowering patients and consumers
      • Encourage better relationships between patients and health workers
      • Education for health workers and the community
      • Encouraging the growth of communication and information exchange between health service institutions
      • Expansion of the scope of health services.

      The Role of E-Health in the Health Services Industry

      Now, there is an increase in the cost of health services. Many people do not get the opportunity for better health services. Health records that still rely on paper documents cause many errors and reduce service productivity. However, it should be recognized that there is also an increase in health services in the community, which provides a better chance of life, but also there is a larger group of older people. In general, older people also need health services that are greater than the young age. For the government at the local and central levels also get a challenge to overcome the increasing costs of health services, improve access and quality of services. In addition, they are also responsible for public health monitoring and the possibility of the spread of certain infectious diseases.

      Developing e-Health services will help health care providers including the government to achieve this. E-Health will provide an opportunity for all parties to collaborate, collect and analyze health data that exceeds physical and time limits. For example, e-Health can be applied to help the government develop programs that help doctors, nurses, and other health workers exchange information electronically, retrieve patients' medical records when and where they are needed and collaborate with other health services in real time via the internet. Health services like this will provide a lot of savings in terms of document costs and service administration and provide the benefits of giving patients the best health care decisions more quickly.

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