What is E-Learning?

What is E-Learning?
Contribution: Riamdhani Silmia Yahya

E-Learning or Electronic Learning is a process of teaching and learning using electronic media by utilizing computer technology, computer networks or the internet so that lecturers with students in the scope of higher education do not have to be face to face. E-learning is the basis and logical consequence of the development of information and communication technology to improve the effectiveness of learning and the quality of education.

Examples of E-Learning Platforms

  1. Google Classroom. Google Classroom is a learning management system developed by Google and designed to provide instructional materials, assignment assignments and integrated assessment tests.
  2. Ruangguru (informal education). It’s a startup company that focuses on non-formal education to help students find various mentors in cyberspace.
  3. Zenius. Zenius is a local technology-based education company that provides online tutoring through guidance on rational and scientific thinking patterns
  4. Google Hangouts. Google Hangouts is an integrated messaging service developed by Google that includes instant messaging, video conversations, and VOIP features. This application can make it easier for managers in a company who want to long-distance meetings with their employees.

Characteristics of E-Learning

  1. Utilizing electronic technology services. In the scope of the university lecturers and students, fellow students or fellow lecturers can communicate relatively easily without being restricted by protocol matters.
  2. Take advantage of the advantages of digital media.
  3. Using self-learning materials stored on a computer so that they can be accessed by lecturers and students anytime and anywhere if needed.
  4. Utilizing the learning schedule, curriculum, learning progress results and matters relating to educational administration can be seen at any time.

Benefits for Students

  1. Students who study in small schools in poor areas can follow certain subjects that their school cannot provide.
  2. Get the opportunity to learn independently and take control of the success of learning.
  3. Efficiency in transportation and accommodation costs
  4. Get flexibility in choosing the time and place to access learning.
  5. Increasing student absorption of the material taught because it uses multimedia facilities in the form of images, text, animation, sound, video.
  6. Understanding the material can be done anytime and anywhere depending on the enthusiasm and absorption of students, can be monitored, can be tested by e-test.
  7. Be more courageous or have unlimited opportunities to raise questions or express opinions in discussions.

Benefits for Teacher/Lecturer/Instructor

  1. It is easier to update learning materials that are the responsibility according to the demands of scientific development that occurs.
  2. Having relatively much free time to develop or conduct research to increase insight.
  3. Controlling the learning activities of students easily, because the teacher/lecturer/instructor can find out when students learn, what topics are studied, how long a topic is studied, and how many times a particular topic is learned.
  4. Check whether students have worked on practice questions after studying a particular topic.
  5. Check the answers of students and notify the results to students.
  6. Centralized Student Database. All detailed information about students is stored in a secure centralized system
  7. Much more concise, meaning there are not many class formalities, directly on the subject, subjects as needed.

Lack of E-learning

  1. Lack of interaction between instructors and students or fellow students.
  2. Tends to ignore academic or social aspects.
  3. The teaching and learning process tends towards training rather than education.
  4. Teachers are required to know learning techniques that use ICT (information, communication, and technology).
  5. Not all internet facilities are available
  6. Lack of human resources that master the internet and computer language.
  7. Access to an adequate computer can be a problem for students.

The problem is...

  1. Lack of ability to use the Internet as a source of learning.
  2. Costs required are still relatively expensive for the initial stages.
  3. Not enough attention from various parties to learning through the Internet.
  4. Inadequate supporting infrastructure for certain regions.
  5. The loss of the nuances of education that occurs between educators and students, because the main element in e-learning is learning.
  6. Creating e-learning that is interactive and by the wishes of users requires difficult programming, so that the preparation is quite long.

Don’t Worry, We can Handle it...

  1. Improve the ability to use the internet by providing internet usage tutorials.
  2. Effective allocation of funds.
  3. Disseminating information about the use of the internet in learning in various schools.
  4. The government provides funds to regions that have not used ICT to improve their infrastructure
  5. The teaching and learning process must be carried out in a balanced manner between e-Learning and face to face.
  6. Give special debriefing to e-Learning programs.

The use of e-Learning has a good and bad side. Nowadays, with the rapid development of technology make e-Learning is needed by the wider community. It would be nice if e-learning could be applied but did not forget the academic aspects and social aspects where both the teacher and students and between students could still socialize well.

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