Really Simple Syndication

Really Simple Syndication

Contributor : Reneta Sahila Fasha


An RSS (Really Simple Syndication ) feed or called as News Feed is a special type of file. This method for sharing data reduces the effort required in continually re-visiting websites to check for new content. In turn, it allows anyone publishing information on a website to let readers know when something has been added to that site. An RSS feed consolidates information sources in one place and provides updates when a site adds new content. With an RSS feed, you see everything a website publishes. To find an RSS feed on a website, look on the site’s main or home page. Some sites display their RSS feed as an orange button that may contain the acronyms RSS or XML. When you find an RSS, click the RSS icon or link to display the XML file that controls a website's feed. You’ll use this RSS link to subscribe to the feed in an RSS reader.

1. What Are the Benefits of Having an RSS Feed on Your Website?

An RSS will keep your most devoted readers coming back for more. And it’s a good thing when you’re hoping to increase traffic to your website. When your readers add your website to their RSS feed reader, they’ll have an easy reason for clicking over to see what’s new your latest post headlines will be right in their reader. Your traffic will increase as your readers easily return to see everything you’ve posted, and you don’t have to worry about losing audience members who are in your target market. An RSS feed helps you surround the issues you face in trying to reach your audience through email newsletters.
You may be posting the perfect post with the ideal solution would do anything for, but if you’re not on the high of mind, they won’t think of you to their solutions. An RSS feed helps you surrounded the issues you face in trying to reach your audience through email newsletters.

2. How to Create (or Find) an RSS Feed

Ussually most of sites are built using a CMS or Content Management System. Every major CMS offers an RSS feed by default, meaning an RSS exists for such sites whether the site’s creators realize that or not. In these cases, you can use a simple URL hack to find the RSS feed.
    - If a site is built using WordPress, simply add /feed to the end of the URL, for example You can also do this for category and pages, to get specific RSS feeds.
    - If a site is hosted on Blogger, simply add feeds/posts/default to the end of the URL.
    - If a blog is hosted on, simply insert /feed/ before the publication’s name in the URL.
    - If a blog is hosted on Tumblr, simply add /rss to the end of the homegpage’s URL.

3. What is important about an RSS feed?

According to Hammersley the important of RSS are to increase web site traffic and to build up a web site's “brand awareness”. Both of these also assist in placement in search engine listings and allow the building of a community of sites. The addition of new technologies in they community sites allows others to give additional features to our services, where that can make the Internet an altogether richer place, pushing semantic technology along and encouraging reuse.
According to Hammersley, Singh and Sahu also identified benefits for both publishers and consumers;
    (1) RSS keeps users updated with news or other media
    (2) provides subscriptions/customer for individual users
    (3) presents an article summaries
    (4) does not have spam that received via email
    (5) have a simple "subscription / unsubscribe" model
    (6) increase website traffic because feeds helps with SEO
    (7) for advertising and marketing.

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