What is Spamming??



Tifanny Christy


What is spamming?

Spamming is the use of electronic messaging systems such as e-mail, advertisements, promotions of a product used to send information or messages in the form of writing, pictures, videos and other forms to others constantly without being asked for, known or without permission by the recipient message, it is very disturbing for those who receive the message.

Examples of spam are electronic mails containing advertisements, short-term letters (SMS) on mobile phones, news in a news group forum containing promotional items unrelated to the group's activity, spamdexing (spamming and indexing) that controls a search engine to find popularity for a particular URL , useless news and blog entry, website guest book, fax transmission spam, television ads and network share spam. People who do spam are called spammers. While spam is known by the name of spamming.

Spamming can also be categorized as an example of a Cybercrime type of Illegal Contents where the crime enters data or information to the internet about something that is untrue, unethical and may violate the law or disturb public order. With the development of spam, more and more criminals are using spam for a variety of scams.

In some cases spammers use it to draw people to a place, kidnap and demand ransom, even the victim will be killed if not immediately give a ransom. The content of spam content is also often offensive and contains pornographic content that should not be seen by minors. Spammers send most of their spam regardless of the age of spam, so porn ads may appear in incoming messages in electronic mail used by users of old and underage age. Lately there has been an increase in ad spam on websites containing pornographic contend.

Spammers usually also use other people's mail servers, as well as email addresses that do not show the identity of the owner in the sense that the email address is indeed there but the sender is not the one who has. Sending an email using the email address as above, is possible because the SMTP protocol (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) used in email exchange never verifies the email address with its IP address. Meaning that people are free to send email from anywhere (from any IP address) using anybody's email address.

History of spam terms and developments

The term spam began to emerge in the computer age. The word spam is defined by something that is not desirable. Emails that are suddenly sent without the desired owner of the account was then referred to as spam. Though the right word to represent the unwanted email is Unsolicited Bulk Email or Unsocilited Email aka unwanted email.

Spam emails were first sent by digital equipment companies. But the person who is clearly identified as the spammers in the world is Dave Rhodes. Dave Rhodes first sent spam in 1986. At that time, Dave Rhodes utilized Usenet's computer network (which later developed into the internet) to advertise the company's Pyramid Scheme.

Spam emails are growing. In the 2000s this estimated approximately 90 million spam emails sent every day. Microsoft founder Bill Gates revealed that he receives four million emails every year, and most are spam emails.

Recent case examples that occur between the world's largest mail server is yahoo and gmail that work with a rim company (blackberry) protesting social network sites that are currently popular such as facebook and twitter that send emails in every notification, up to millions email every day even every hour and considered spam. So that facebook and twitter sites begin to reduce the number of notifications in the site.

Common forms of spam:

  • Spam of electronic mail:
    Electronic mail spam, known as unsocial cited bulk email or UBE, unsolicited commercial email or UCE, is the practice of sending messages in unsolicited electronic mail, often of a nature commercial, and entered in large numbers to anyone. Electronic mail spam exemplifies: the use of spammers resources that do not bear the full cost of resources. Examples of electronic mail spam are product promotional emails, software that contains malware or viruses.

  • Instant Messaging Spam
    Instant message spam utilizes the system from instant messaging. Instant message spam tends not to be blocked by a firewall so this channel is very useful for spammers. In Indonesia instant messaging spam is mostly using SMS (Letter of Short Term) that led to fraud. For example SMS winning lottery bank prizes car.

  • Usenet Newsgroup Spam and forums
    Spam Usenet Newsgroup is spam before spam email. This spam often enters repeatedly with the substance of the same message. While the forum spam is a message or advertising that is not desired by internet forums. Spam forum is done by automated spam robots. Usually this forum spam contains promotions under the guise of offering goods or services that are cheap or illegal. For example selling IPhone with low prices.

  • Online game spam
    Online game spam can disrupt the game so spam is not recommended by online game developers. Spammers for this type are trying to sell games related to goods and money in the real world. They send spam through the messaging system in the game or can also turn off the game then bring the game to the sales website.

  • Mobile Phone Spam
    Mobile phone spam is directed to text messaging services on mobile phones. This spam interferes with customers of mobile phone users even because of the possible costs imposed on each text message received. For example get a phone or a message from an unknown number and lead to a fraud case.

  • Search engine spam web information
    Spam search engine web information is also called spamdexing which stands for spamming and indexing. This deen spam leads to the practice in the WWW of HTML page modifications to increase their chances of placing spam in search engines with the highest relevance. Many modern search engines modify their algorithmic search to try to exclude web pages using spamdexing tactics. For example, search engines will detect repeated keywords as spam by using grammatical analysis. If a web owner is found to have spam to increase the fake page, the website may be penalized by the search engine.

  • Blog spam, wikis, and guest books
    Spam blog or "blam" is a brief spam on the weblog. In 2003, this type of spam took advantage of open comments in the Movable Type software block by repeatedly posting comments for various blog posts. Similar attacks are often made on wikis and guest books, both of which accept user contributions.

The purpose of spamming

  • Promotional or commercial purposes
    Spam with the purpose of promotion or commercial, usually sent by the parties who do promotion or advertising products or services. The form of product offerings in the form of goods, services or services. Spam does offer products and services. It aims to increase sales or service users and goods. How the actors work is to collect the number or email belongs to the community in the form of a database

  • The purpose of fraud
    Spammers are luring the recipients of a message with a large reward that is acceptable with common sense that lists companies as a form of deception. For example, messages or information on behalf of the company are drawn with certain prizes accompanied by a phone number or email customer service.

  • Purpose of fun
    Spam with the purpose of fraudulent is actually a spam that belongs to the category of fraud but is still in wide scope and has no specific purpose. Spammers only interact based on the chance response of the message recipient or information. If the recipient of the message or information follow up messages from spammers then spammers will ask the recipient to follow the steps given by spammers. This is not much harm but very disturbing and disturbing society.

How to avoid spam?

  • Stop continuous sending of promotional emails or ads to recipients. Take a few more days to see if the promotion is responded or not and better send promotions to people you know.
  • Never frequent Login and Logout of a money-generating program that is followed in a short time, because it can be suspected as an unusual activity and your account can be blacklisted therefore
  • Do not follow emails in chat rooms, mailing lists, new groups, and newsletters. Because in this case many groups that use the application running
  • If you already received an email that is not clear delete without reply.
  • Install an anti virus application and enable the firewall.
  • If shopping online make sure that the online store is a store that has a security license.

List of the largest spam-generating countries in the world

Counting since February 2013, spammers traced back into action spread spam emails, having previously had time to reduce its activities. According to data from Kaspersky Lab, the proportion of spam in email traffic rose by about 13% and on average to 71% in the month. This is higher than the January average and the last three months of 2012.

America became the world's largest spam-producing country. The second position is occupied by China, the amount of spam coming from China has decreased. Just like January, South Korea is still the world's third largest spam-producing country.

Meanwhile, Indonesia, which previously was in the list of the world's 10 largest spam-producing countries managed to get out of the list. In the spam report for February 2013, Indonesia is ranked 18th. The geographic distribution of spam has also changed significantly.

In February, South Korea became the largest spam-producing country in Asia targeting users in Europe. South Korean garbage email volume rose 2.7 percent or 50.9 percent on average.

China, which was the previous month's top (3%), dropped to sixth in February with a 36.6% drop. Significant changes in the amount of spam produced by both countries could be because a group of spammers began to spread spam from different botnets.

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