What is INTRANET ?


Kontributor :

Firdian Lathifah


Intranet is a private network (Private Network) that uses the Internet to share and exchange information within the local network for example: Company, Office, School University DLL. Intranets also belong to one LAN (Local Area Network) network that can only cover a small area.
To build an intranet, a network must have several components that build the Internet, the Internet protocol (TCP / IP protocol, IP address, and other protocols), clients and servers. As well as the HTTP Protocol and some other Internet protocols (FTP, POP3, or SMTP) which are generally the most commonly used protocol components.



The history of the intranet and its development will never be separated from the momentum of the 1990s where the technology is gaining in popularity by many companies and agencies. This is because the intranet gives a lot of added value to the organization such organizations work system arrangements to improve productivity, improve teamwork within the company, and share information about the company effectively and efficiently.
The history of the creation of intranet technology will never be separated from the role of Tim Berners Lee and his colleagues to create an idea called World Wide Web in 1989. This technology allows its users to access various information easily from various platforms. Since then, the internet and personal computer networks such as the intranet are increasingly popular among the public, primarily for companies and agencies. Both networks use the dominant Internet Protocol (IP) technology used on the World Wide Web.
The history of intranet development is actually never out of the internet. During the evolution of the Internet, many organizations (especially companies) are realizing how powerful the power and potential of this technology is when used within a company. From there the intranet was born, this technology is expected to solve various problems that exist within the company such as effectiveness and efficiency. With intranet technology, companies can build teamwork and also share a variety of information even with different platforms. In essence, this technology can be applied in many companies because of its easy to use or user friendly.


Intranet is a network of internal information systems in an organization or company. The principle works basically the same with the internet. But to access an intranet network we usually require the identification of usage accompanied by the keyword. Both of these are usually owned by people in organizations and companies that use intranet networks.
The use of keywords and user evidence on an intranet network has the purpose of making intranet access unrestricted and well monitored. In addition, controls can also be made easier. The existence of this privacy allows confidential information can only be seen by parties who may indeed know the information. This information is certainly not accessible by unauthorized parties or parties who do not have proof of users and keywords.
Organizations or companies that typically use intranet systems are in the Information Technology section. Technicians or staffs in this division do have an interest in using an intranet system.
This division has the task to:

  • Monitor the use of all computers in a company.
  • Monitoring the smooth flow of information and also the confidentiality is also the responsibility of this division.
  • This division also has the task to update data and information in intranet system.

Intranet usage is not limited to company or organization only. The use of intranet systems can also be done at school even at home. Some schools in Indonesia are already using intranet system technology. All computers in this system will be connected to a local network.


Some of the components needed to build an intranet network are internet protocols (IP addresses, TCP / IP protocols, and other protocols), clients, as well as servers. The HTTP protocol and also some other Internet protocols, such as FTP, POP3, and SMTP are commonly used protocols.
The workings of the intranet can be described as a combination of multiple networks that converge into a standard protocol system. This protocol system can be used to connect a network with protocol addressing on a network. This protocol can set some data formats that are allowed for access, error handling, traffic information, etc. Networks and computers with platform disparities with their respective characteristics can exchange messages with a standard protocol called TCP / IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol).
Classification of TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and IP (Internet Protocol):

  • TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)
    TCP is composed of four layers, namely network access, host-to-host transport, internet, and application. Each of these layers has their own protocols, the protocol is also capable of working in any kind of computer, without having to be affected by hardware and software disparities.Then the data packets will be divided into sections tailored to the size of the packet, after which it is sent only regularly until finished.
    In order for this delivery to work properly, then in each shipment, a TCP will assign a serial number. The computer will receive this data packet will send back an AC Knowledge frequency within a certain time period. If in time has not been sent, it will happen "time out", which means packet delivery failed. This TCP protocol model is also called connection-oriented protocol.
  • IP (Internet Protocol)
    IP uses IP-address as its identity. Data delivery will be wrapped in packets that have IP-address labels from the sender and also the IP-address of the receiver. If the receiving IP sees that the packet has the appropriate IP-address proof, then this datagram will be received and routed to TCP via the port, when synchronous execution has been waiting for the data.

In general, the standard system of internet used in the intranet network is the default TCP / IP protocol. This standard allows network protocols to communicate, transmit and receive data between terminals.


Various intranet hardware needed to build the network, among other

  1. Computer
    This computer is the most important part of an intranet network, because the intranet network connects computers that exist in the agency or company. Computers that are used at least can meet the minimum requirements to be connected to the intranet such as Pentium III Processor, 64 MB RAM, 10GB Hard Disk, 4MB VGA and compatible monitors. In the intranet network, the computer is divided into two, namely the client and server.
    What is the client and server?
    • Client is a system or process that performs requests (request) data to the server.
    • Server is a system or process that provides data requested by the client.

  2. NIC (Network Interface Card)
    Network card or so-called NIC (Network Interface Card) is a device that can connect between one computer with another computer. In the market, this functional device is also called land card. This network card is placed in one of the slots on the motherboard (mainboard) computer.
  3. Network Cable
    The most important component in building an intranet network is a network cable. Network cable is used as a transmission medium between one computer with another computer. There are many kinds of network cables available in the market such as coaxial cable, twisted pair cable and fiber optic cable. The three cables have their respective advantages and disadvantages
  4. Cable Connector
    The cable connector is the medium that connects the cable to the existing port on the computer. A commonly known connector is the RJ45 commonly used to connect UTP and RJ11 cables commonly used on the Internet to connect modems to computers with the telephone network.
  5. Hub
    Hub serves as a media liaison between the computer one with another computer, can server with the client or can also client with client only, it depends on the needs of an organization in implementing intranet network.
  6. Bridge and Switch
    Bridge and switches have the same function, connecting different types of networks. However, the switch has more functions than bridges because the switch is the development of the bridge with the concept of cut through, store and forward it.
  7. Router
    The router serves as a link between two or more networks to pass data from one network to another. The network in question can be intranet network (LAN, WAN, or MAN) or internet.
  8. Repeater
    The repeater serves to amplify the signal transmitted from one computer to another. As an illustration, the transmitted signal will be weakened as long as it is transmitted. So, the function of the repeater is to return the transmitted signal to its original condition or initial condition.


  1. Benefits and Advantages of Intranet are:
    • More efficient in the use of cost and time.
    • Communication between users becomes easier.
    • Use of devices together.
    • Work productivity is increasing.
    • Information in a certain sphere becomes easy to obtain and access.
    • Increased cooperation because of the communication between devices.
  2. Disadvantages and Weaknesses Intranet
    • The scope of the network area is still very small and limited.
    • Frequent overload due to multiple data transfers simultaneously.
    • Data security is less awake.

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