The Comparison Between Open source and Private Operating System

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Maureen Maudia


What is Operating system ?

Operating means control the functioning of (a machine, process, or system).

System means a set of connected things or parts forming a complex whole, in particular. a set of principles or procedures

Operating System means program that control and manage both of hardware and software on computer. Operating system also may be a link between user and a hardware.


History Of Operating System

  • Begin from Altair on 1975 using CP/M Operating System, and then after a while in 1981 Microsoft launched an Operating system called as MS DOS.  From DOS, Linux,Microsoft, BSD, until Mac

  • In 1980, Paterson team from Seattle Computer write QDOS ( Quick and Dirty Operating system ) that created from popular operating system at that time which is CP/M. and after that Paterson Company sell QDOS as 86-QDOS for intel 8086 processor. And then Bill Gates buy the 86 QDOS

  • At 1981, IBM launched PC DOS that bought from Microsoft. Microsoft using MS DOS for this operating system if company other than IBM want to sell it

  • In 1983, MS DOS version 2.0 is launched

  • At 1984, Apple launched Machintos system 1.0 based on BSD UNIX. Machintos system 1.0 is the first operating system that graphic based and use mouse.

  • In 2000, Microsoft launched Microsoft 2000. In 2001 Microsoft launched Microsoft XP

Nowadays there are already many of upgraded Operating system whether Microsoft, Mac, linux and other operating system in PC and mobile phone like ios or android etc.

According to tanebaum, evolution of operating system devided into 4 generation :

  1. First generation
    Done manually, there is no automatic operating system so at that time Operating system not yet fully help the user do their work in one serial of framework

  2. Second generation
    In this generation, there is already tools that can do the work in one serial of framework, or we can say it as batch processing system

  3. Third generation
    Operating system already support multi user services, multi programming, and batch processing system.

  4. Fourth generation
    There is GUI ( Graphical User Interface )

Next generation

  1. Operating system website based that operate inside operating system

  2. Mobile operating system, such as PDA, Pocket PC etc.

  3. Technology Virtual Operating System, so in one device can be installed by one operating system called as server

  4. Cross platform Operating system that can integrated two different operating system like linux and Microsoft

What are inside Operating System ? ( component or particle inside Operating System )

Operating system is the core of computer or the first thing that you need in your computer, other software will run after Operating system is working.

The central point of operating system is kernel . kernel is part of operating system that load first, remain in main memory.

  1. Boot mechanism, put the kernel into kernel memory

  2. Command Interpreter or shell, to read input and provide standard function for application or software, for example command prompt ( Microsoft xp ), DOS ( Microsoft 98 ) konsole in linux ( UNIX )

  3. Driver, to interact with hardware and control the hardware

  4. Resource allocator, manage and allocate resource from device

  5. Handler, to controlling device system from error and unneeded resources

Why we need Operating System ?

  1. To link or interface between user and hardware or machine

  2. Allows the use of shared hardware and data between user

  3. To run the programs

  4. To managing software and hardware resources

What are the function of Operating system ?

  1. Process Management
    A process when executing a program, it has code, data, and a set of resources allocated to it

  2. Memory management
    Memory between operating system and application program. The Operating system allocate the memory to processes and control memory management

  3. File system management
    Information must be transmitted,processed,or stored. So the Operating system manage the information into abstract organized collection of file system object.

  4. Device Management
    Information that sent by computer’s input and output device by system interface. Operating system manage device efficiently among all the process requiring them.

· Example Of Operating System

  1. Windows
    XP,Vista,Windows 7 8 9 10

  2. Mac

  3. Android

  4. Chrome OS

  5. Linux

  6. Blackberry



Operating System Platform

65% market or company using UNIX/ LINUX Operating system, otherwise 35 % people using Microsoft.

Mostly using linux because it open source

People choose to use Microsoft because Microsoft capable to providing enterprise wide and network services and appeals organization seeking windows based IT Infrastructure

UNIX and LINUX provide cheaper or less expensive than orher Operating system.

Chrome Operating system provide lightweighted operating system for cloud computing using netbook

Android is an open source operating system for mobilephone or tablet developed by open handset alliance lead by google

Ios an operating system for apple mobile operating system such as Iphone, ipad, and ipod touch

Comparison Between Private Operating system and Open source Operating System

Open Source Operating System is operating system that can access easily by people, it open to all, everyone and anyone who want to access it can get it. It distributed freely and it legally downloaded, Available for public use.

The creator are not money oriented and think pf financial gain, the creator will produce better useful and bug free product

Sometimes it called as free software

Open Source Operating system also issued by usually called as OSI or Open Source Initiative

Open Source OS must follow the rules made by OSI, such as :

  1. Free for redistribution process

  2. Must included source code

  3. Allow modification and derived works

  4. The license of OS can’t be discriminate a group or person
    For example : linux, unix, freeBSD, openBSD, free DOS

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