
Kontributor :

Adji Salya A.M

What is Automation?

  1. Entimology
    Automation is derived from Greek, "Automotos" which means self-moving and Latin Latin "Ion" meaning a state. The word automation emerged in 1936 by D.S Harder and automation developed since 1952
  2. Definition
    Automation is the technology by which a process or procedure is performed without human assistance. Automation is the use of various control systems for operating equipment such as machinery equipment,artificial intelligence, or even medical robot that recently developing so it can minimal or reduced human intervention. Right now,some processes have been completely automated.

    Before we get to type of automatios,here is the short view about automation:


Type of Automation

Automated production systems can be classified into three basic types:

  1. Fixed automation
    Fixed automation is a system in which the processing order operation is set by the equipment configuration. The operation sequence in fixed automation is generally simple. The system complex because there are a lot of integration and coordination of many operations into one equipment. Typical or characteristic features of fix automation set are:
    • Early high investment for custom-engineered equipment
    • Production value is high
    • Relatively inflexible to accommodate product changes
  2. Programmable Automation
    The production equipment is designed with the ability to change the order of operations and accommodate different forms of product. The Operation sequence is controlled by a program, in which a set of instructions is coded so that the system can read and interpret it. New programs can be prepared and put into equipment to produce new production. Programmable automation have several features,there are:
    • High investment in general-purpose equipment
    • Low production value with respect to automation set
    • Flexibility for change in product form
    • Suitable for bath production
    • The programmable automated production system is used for medium and low production volumes
  3. Flexible automation
    Is an extension of programmable automation. A flexible automated system is capable of producing various products (or separating) with virtually no time lost for a work system change from one product to the next. Reprogramming the system and at setup (tooling, fixtures, machine settings) will cause no production time lost. Consequently, the system can generate different combinations and product schedules, instead requiring them to create the product separately. The features of flexible automation are:
    • High investment for a custom-engineered system
    • Production of mixed product variables continues
    • Medium production value
    • Flexibility in designing product variations

How can Automation happen

Automation always begins with an innovation. With innovation, it creates the new jobs and remove old jobs. With these notes, these innovations can increase productivity and open up more jobs before innovation and are marked by an increase in people's living standards.

Where is region with the biggest automation market revenue?


Based on the data from Transparancy Market Research Analysis in 2015,we can tell that Europe have the biggest market revenue with $ 54.26 Billion. Followed by Asia Pacific in the second place,North America in the third place.

Difference between past and current automation

Let's take the example of the old automation in 1979, General Motors. With automobile innovation, General Motors opened 800,000 jobs and generated $ 11 billion in revenue. Let's compare with modern automation, Google made a $ 12 billion revenue by only employing 58,000 people. Another example, before the advent of the Internet, Blockbuster made a profit of $ 8 billion with 84,000 employees. Compared after the advent of the net, Netflix, made a profit of $ 9 billion with just 4500 employees.
From the above explanation we can conclude that productivity has separated itself with manpower in modern automation. Marked by the increasing productivity but not offset by increasing labor. The nature of innovation that occurs different from the innovations that occurred in the past. This is due to the emergence of new types of machines, machines that can do complex jobs and can make better predictions from humans. Digital time is also a machine can obtain data and gain expertise by analyzing the data we provide that result in people will lose the place in specialize and replace with the machine. This automation has been running well for several years without any disruption, with marked technologies such as self-driving, the development of artificial intelligence. With this, it is possible that this time human existence will be totally replaced by machines little by little without us knowing it or it could be the chances that are waiting for us.

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