What is Agent Based Modeling (ABM) ?

Kontributor : Grandita Divya Sagita

What is Agent Based Modeling (ABM) ?

In this modern age, technology continues to grow rapidly. Many severe experts create sophisticated new technology. The systems that exist in life are increasingly complex, on the other hand the tools and methods (tools / toolkits / simulations) that exist today cannot represent increasingly complex systems so that new methods are needed to handle them. In addition, the computing system has been able to handle computing to the level of micro-data. Seeing some of these needs, Agent Based Modeling (ABM) appears.

Definition of Agent Based Modeling (ABM)

Agent based modeling is a simulation model that describes individuals (agents) in a complex and dynamic system. The other names of ABM include IBM (Individual Based Modeling), ABS (Agent Based Simulation), and MAS (Multi Agent System). All these names contain the same meaning as ABM.

Basic Concept of Agent Based Modeling (ABM)

  1. ABM represents a system whose components are individuals and behavior.
  2. ABM models individual agents not only modeling variables that represent the entire system.
  3. Agents have heterogeneous and autonomous properties and can interact between agents and their environment.
  4. The agent has an adaptive nature where the agent can adjust to his current conditions, with other agents, and with his environment.
  5. Agencies handle problems related to emergence (dynamic systems that arise due to relationships between agents or between agents and their environment)
  6. ABM deals with 2 or more levels and interacts with each other.
  7. ABM can explain reciprocal relationships between systems and individuals (what happens to the system because of individual behavior and what happens to individuals because of system work).

Difference Between ABM and Other System Models

    Agent Based Modeling (ABM)

  1. Approach to Bottom UP (from the bottom up, the system is analyzed by looking at the behavior of each individual to from the whole system.
  2. Modeled are Individual / agents.
  3. The process of becoming an emergence from modeling.

    Discrete Event Simulation (DES)

  1. Top Down Approach (from top to bottom).
  2. Modeled is the process.
  3. Agenys are homogeneous and di not have the autonomy to move on their own because of the motion determined by the modeler.

When is ABM Used?

ABM is used if we think it is important to incorporate individuals and behavior into a model. One example of ABM applications in modeling include :
  • Disaster evacuation application (knowing the length of time of evacuation, evacuation route, etc).
  • Application of land fires (see patterns of fire spread).
  • Application of green land use.
  • Application of company strategy selection.
  • Application to find out the formation of a country.
  • Application to find out the process of spreading disease.
  • Etc.

What skills are needed to be able to apply ABM ?

  1. System thinking to think about and describe a system model.
  2. Programming.
  3. Strategies for designing and analyzing models.

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