Kontributor : Alistiyani

What is the Virtual Reality Modelling Language ( VMRL )?

VRML is a programming language that allows a user to create a three-dimensional virtual space on the World Wide Web. With the proper VRML plug-in a user is capable of exploring or viewing a virtual space or object through VRML over the web. VRML is objects that are created with VRML will have 3 dimensions of length, width, and depth, so that they can be viewed from every angle. how to use vrml is also very easy by typing in a series of commands that are easy to memorize in the word editing program (for example Notepad on windows), save the VRML file, and then can be displayed on all browsers that can display VRML.

VRML Structure

VRML files are the topmost hierarchy consisting of headers, graphs, prototypes and event routing. The lowest structure is a node consisting of filed that contains property and information about the node it has. Broadly speaking, scene-graph is a collection of nodes that are built. But the node containing this field can also contain other nodes, so it can form a cascading structure.
  • Header
  • Comments - notes / notes for your own needs
  • Nodes - charts of information
  • Fields - attribute nodes that will be changed
  • Values - values of attributes

Examlpe The Structure of VRML :
#VRML V2.0 utf8 Group { children [ Shape { Appearance Appearance { material Material { diffuseColor 1 0 0 } } geometry Box {size 2 2 2} } ] }

in the example the scenegraph is described as a red box measuring 2 x 2 x 2

Version of VRML

  1. VRML 1.0 all objects are still static, meaning no has room to see according to the perspective we want. Dynamic interaction between users and objects is still limited, communication between objects with one another is not yet possible.
  2. In Version 2.0 the weaknesses in version 1.0 were covered. Version 2.0 is possible in making animation. This version is called the ISO VRML97 file format standard 3D graphics for internet and WWW applications.

  3. Most VRML is not used as the only programming language, but combined with other tools. One example is a project Interactive Robot Manipulation with VRML 2.0 conducted by DLR (German Eurospace Center) which combines VRML with Java3d Robots. Another example is the Autonome Walking project University of Duisburg that uses VRML as a visualization of the Walking Pattern Generator tools written in C ++.

Get started using VRML

To use VRML, you should know what browser can display VRML. VRML files usually have a .wrl extension, and in compressed form have extention wrz or wrl.gz. This application is mostly made in the form of plugins that run under browser control such as IE, Netscape, or Opera. In the form of plugins you can mention Blaxxun Contact, BlenderWeb Plugin, Cosmo Player, Viscape, etc. Besides in the form of plugins, of course there are also browsers in the form of standalone applications such as OpenVRML, FreeWRL, VRWeb, VRMLView from SIM, Cortona VRML, etc.

Advantages of VRML

VRML has several advantages that make many people use VRML to create three-dimensional animations. Among them are:
  1. The language is easy and simple
  2. Hurry up
  3. Flexible
  4. Dynamic
  5. Interactive

Use of VRML

    Some areas of VRML use are:
    • Architecture: Can simulate a building so that it can be used to create a building similar to the original, where you want to explore every corner of the building such as visiting directly.
    • Business: for entrepreneurs, VRML is a good place to make product promotions in 3 dimensions.
    • Entertainment: You can be creative on your computer through VRML.
    • Homepage: Now many companies use VRML to make their webpages or homepages far more attractive.
    • Science: You can make a 3D body anatomy that can be rotated, made molecular structures, the solar system of planets, and so on.
    • Military: currently in the military field VRML is used to lay areas of military operations, whose numbers are used to lay troops, or even be used as a guide for smart missiles.
    • Education: can be used as an efficient educational tool.
    • Engineering: VRML is used to make or engineer a design such as a car, aircraft building.
    • History: all historical buildings can be engineered back in 3D with VRML.
    • Art: we can create a virtual museum that has a variety of art spaces.
    • Socialization: VRML is used to be able to review both current and future conditions.

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