Enterprise Document Management System

Enterprise Document Management System

Contributor : Reumis Sekar Kinasih

What and Who is Document in Enterprise Management System?

I’m sure some of people already knows what is Document. The Document it self is ‘an’ piece of paper or something in which there is a form contain of the thought representation of writer. And for Document Enterprise Management System known as DEMS is electronical documents which included at Enterprise Content Management to manage the system of document it self in their life cycle to store documents, paper and convert paper to digital electronic documents.

When and Where Document Enterprise Management System is known first?

At the beginning year 1980, the Document Enterprise Management System is began to develope their software to manage the electronical documents. Document Enterprise Management System managed either proprietary files in computer such as Microsoft words,Microsoft excel, PDF.

How does Document Enterprise Management System Works?

Document Enterprise Management System can works in form any sources, a document management system should take document from scanner. Central document storage, this can be a central access from anywhere at anytime. Document retrieval, it’s need for search index of document.

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