Enterprise Content Management Information Systems Research

Enterprise Content Management Information Systems Research

Contributor : Winny Faradilla


Does anyone know what is enterprise content management ? so If there’s one thing that all the experts agree on, it is that no one really knows exactly what ECM really is . In fact, there is considerable confusion around everything about it what content it includes, what organizational functions are responsible for it, what activities it involves and how to accomplish it. In that case , ECM is an emergent concept that managers, academics, and vendors are all trying to understand and define.


  • Research shows that the average knowledge worker now spends about a quarter or his or her day looking for information either internally or externally. Anything that can reduce this effort or improve the quality of the information acquired will get corporate attention.
  • There is more content out there these days. In addition to traditional documents and data, corporate internet and intranet sites are becoming central to how enterprises do business. The Microsoft intranet site, so for example, now makes 2.2 million documents available to its staff . Currently, “our ability to store and communicate information have far outpaced our ability to search, retrieve and present it.” Extranets and external sources of information often add further layers of complexity and cost to the “information soup” in which organizations find themselves Images and other types of digital assets are another growing component of corporate content.
  • Organizations are realizing that they could and should be doing much more with the content that they have. Although most are still unable to leverage their data and turn it into knowledge and results, this goal remains a strong vision for them. Many companies still have significant content gaps on their internet/intranet sites which need to be filled.
  • The technology available to manage various types of content is increasing and convergent. Traditionally, various software is used to manage documents, web pages, and digital assets. But today, the demarcation line between these tools is blurred. Software is not perfect, because it opens up the possibility of new organizational capabilities in ECM.
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