

Rifda Nadifah

What is Information Resource Management?

Information Resource Management is one of the concepts of the Information Management System, as for the understanding of the Management Information System is a course that studies a system that presents the management of information work through using a system approach based on management principles.

Operationally management can be defined as executing the functions of units in the organization to plan, budget, organize, direct, implement, supervise, and evaluate the work of each unit.

The definition of information resource management is all activities undertaken by managers at all levels within the company with the aim of identifying, obtaining, and managing the information resources needed to meet the needs of the user. The understanding or views according to experts on information resource management, namely:

According to Mehdi Khosrowpour argues that the definition of IRM is, "The concept of information source management recognizes information as the main organizational resource that must be managed with the same level of importance as other dominant organizational sources, such as people, charts, finances, equipment, and management. Furthermore, the IRM requires comprehensive management of all components of information processing technology and human elements, so that both can gather, process, deploy, and manage information, which is the main organizational asset.

Top management planning of a company that will establish the use of computerization that will be useful to know the creation of information resources and its management Information resources management (IRM), if the company will implement IRM then there must be three elements, namely:

  1. The computer's top executives report directly to a leader called the Chief Information Officer (CIO).

  2. CIOs take part with other Executives in drawing up long-term plans for the organization.

  3. Long-term plans should be made so that information needs can provide service satisfaction through personal computerization.

Information resource management has five dimensions to manage the management and tasks of information system functions, namely:

  1. Strategic Management
    Information technology must be managed to provide companies with strategic objectives and advantages in their competition, not only in the form of operational efficiency or decision support.

  2. Operational Management
    Information technology and information systems can be managed through the organizational structure based on the way and function and leadership techniques and usually use all other business units.

  3. Resource management
    Data and information, hardware and software, telecommunications networks and information systems personnel are important organizational resources that must be managed, just like any other business capital.

  4. Technology Management
    All technologies whose functions of processing, storing, and communicating the company's data and information as a whole must be managed as an integrated system of organizational resources.

  5. Management of Distribution
    Managing users of information technology resources and information systems within a business or business unit is the key of managers, no matter at their function or level within the organization

When and Where Should Information Resource Management be Applied?

Development or development and application of Information Resource Management system in an organization must be adjusted to the vision and mission of the organization. The main purpose in the development and development of Information Resource Management should be able to "humanize" employees of an organization by utilizing information technology to help carry out daily work activities. Before developing or replacing new systems, existing old systems must be understood and reviewed for their shortcomings and advantages.

In making the Information Resource Management model, the common format used is the same as the input subsystems, databases, and output subsystems that have been used in other functional areas. The input subsystem is a standard combination of data processing, research, and intelligence. In many companies, databases are placed in computer storage. The output subsystem reflects the flow of human resources within the company.

McLeod argues that in the Information Resource Management model there are several subsystems involved in it, including:

  1. Accounting information system

  2. Human resources research subsystem

  3. Human resource intelligence subsystem

  4. Database Management Resource Information

  5. Output Management Resource Information

  6. Workforce planning subsystem

  7. Recruitment subsystem

  8. Labor management subsystem

  9. Subsystem compensation

  10. Subsystem benefit

  11. Environmental reporting subsystem

Why is the Information Resource Management Necessary?

Information Resource Management is indispensable especially in the real world because my opinion many changes occur in the human resource environment that require it to play an important role in an organization such as rapid information technology development, globalization, and changes in the world of office and work. Technological trends will drive a more competitive business venture. Where personal computers (PCs), word processors, and management information systems continue to change the world of work. Utilization of information technology in the processes that run requires a well trained human resources.

All jobs, even the simplest ones, require their own characteristics. Characteristics of work can be grouped into three namely: skill, knowlegde, and orientation.

Human resources with a combination of all three characteristics of the work above is a valuable asset for a company or organization. These assets need to be maintained for the survival of the organization and to continue to compete in the business world. Development of human resources has a broader scope in efforts to improve and enhance knowledge, abilities, attitudes, and personality traits.

Who are the parties involved in the implementation of information resource management?

  1. The most important first party is the employee itself. The role of employees in career management are:
    • Take the initiative in feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of their bosses, peers and subordinates.

    • Identify the career development stage

    • Looking for challenges

    • Create performance visibility
  2. The second party of course is the employer's boss or manager, who has the responsibility in:
    • As a coach for the employee concerned

    • As an appraiser for employeesAs an advisor for employees

    • As a referral agent for employees
  3. The third party is the HR professional / Leader, who plays a role in:
    • As a provider of training information, and employee development programs

    • As a provider of testing services such as: Employee Value test, interest and skills

    • Provide counseling / counseling
  4. Finally is the role of organization or management as a whole, with responsibility in providing space, form, means, resources required by employees to be successful in pursuing careers in various types whether it is professional or managerial.

How is the concept component of the implementation of information resource management?

Management information system has three concepts, namely:

  1. The concept of system
    System is a unitary unit with other units that are interconnected with each other and can not be separated to achieve a goal. If one unit of the system is damaged or there is an error, then the other unit can not work optimally to achieve a goal.

  2. The concept of information
    Information is all about useful information for decision makers or managers in order to achieve established organizational goals. Without the information of an organization will not run properly and efficiently, so it is needed source of information for the creation of an organizational goals.

  3. The concept of management
    While the sense of management itself is the process of activities that manage human resources, materials and methods based on the functions of management in order to achieve an objective effectively and efficiently.

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