What is Enterprise Content Management System??


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Yustiandito Iqbal Adiprabowo

A. What is Enterprise Content Management System?

Now, i will tell you about the definition of Enterprise Content Management System. There are two ways to describ about the definition of Enterprise Content Management System :

  1. Based on Entimology

    Definition of Enterprise Content Management System based on entimology, it’s come from 4 word, Enterprise, Content, Management, and System. First Word is “Enterprise”, Enterprise is group of people that have same characteristic and have some goals that want to be achieved to get some profit or benefit. (another name is company), Second Word is “Content”, Content is Information, documentation and communication that are directed give to last audience. Third word is “Management”, Management is set of organization and coordination of activity to achieve goals. Fourth word “System”, System is integrated ways that used to achieve the purpose.

  2. Based on full description

    Definition of Enterprise Content Management System is a concept of management system that consist of combination of strategies, methods, and tools that used to capture, manage, store, preserve and deliver information (content and document) of organizational process.

B. What is Component in Enterprise Content Management System?

  1. Capture - Create, obtain and organize information
    It means that Enterprise Content Management System is convert the information from paper document to electronic document, from this system it help us to make data that from paper into electronic so the one component of Enterprise Content Management System is to capture the data that write in paper into digital so the access to get data wll be easier.

  2. Manage - Process, modify and employ information
    It means that Enterprise Content Management System is to make some link between the document and make sure organize the information of organization. Manage in this component consist of five area:
    1. Document Management
      Document Management in this section, it means that document mangement as a control of document, start from creation of the document until the document become archieved. There are function of Document Management
      • Check in/ Check Out = to make sure information that have been store
      • Version Management = to make some revision based on same informatio
      • Search and Navigation = For easily find the document or information that nee
      • Organizing Document = Organize the file, folder and some explanation so it can be archieved in a good way.
    2. Collaboration
      Collaboration help company/ organization to help each worker or user to work each other so the content and flow of information between each other become better in develop process of content. Enterprise Content Management System give the facilities as collaboration to all worker or user in using of informationnof the database and processing method that can be usedby many worker or user. Example of Enterprise Content Management System is Virtual Whiteboard for brainstroming, appointment Scheduling, and Video conferencing.

    3. Web Content Management
      Web Content Management in this section, it means that Enterprise Content Management can be used to update the information of organization through web site or portal that need internet that must use the modul of Enterprise Content Management.

    4. Records Management
      Records Management, in this section means Enterprise Content Management System can help company to record the information like administration, important and all data that need by company to organize it as a file. Record management area help company/organization that used this system to make the information is become protected, the ambiguous information is cant be happen because there is control of wordlist, and the archieved of the file become better so for all the worker or user can easily access and know the information of schedule and deletion schedule.

    5. Workflow and Business Process Management
      Workflow it means that the step of work that must be followed as a guidance to make the activity of work become better. For example like workflow of production. Enterprise Content Management System help company to visualiation the process, reminder of function and deadline of the some process of work, and monitoring the status of work process of activity.
  3. Store - Temporary backup of frequently changing information for the short term
    In this component, Enterprise Content Management System have store component that focus on information that need for short term that usually easily change. Store in this component divided to three Categories :
    1. Repositories
      Repositories it means as a storage of the data. Its like data base (administer access informaton), file system (reduce data burden), content management system (storage for content), and data ware houses (its storage for all the source of data).

    2. Library Services
      Library Services as administrative component to handle the access of information. This categories means that how the Enterprise Content Management System as a way to make the access, manage, and control the information of company/organization.

    3. Storage Technologies
      Storage Technologies, it means that Technologies that used to storage the data or information. For example like Cloud Computing (use cloud to save the data or information and can be accessed by internet)
  4. Preserve - Backup of infrequent changing information for the medium and long term
    Different with storage, Preserve component is tel us about How the Enterprise Concept Managements System is focus on the storage of medium and long term information that usually not easily changed (back up of static information). To make this component its happen there is long storage media that must support this component, there are long storage media that can be used :
    1. Storage network
      Storage area network that can be used is storage network that fulfilled the requirment of editing with unchangeable storage and protection from manipulation and deletion.

    2. Paper
      Paper its included in long term storage because paper its not require imigration and paper is for the information that statc and not changeable.
  5. Deliver - Provide clients and end users with requested information
    Deliver in this component it means, Enterprise Content Managemenet System is have a function to deliver or present the information of organization to all user, clients or people that required about the information of organization. In deliver component there are three groups that must be consider because of break down of deliver components :
    1. Transformation Technologies
      Transformation of the data mus be controllable and trackable so the data its can be transfrom to format of file that required by user. For example of transformation technologies is tranform the data to PDF (Portable Document Format) or XML (Extensible Markup Languange), and another example is compression process to make the storage space that needed by some file become decrease.

    2. Security Technologies
      Security Technologies, it means that the protection of data, information or document that before sent, scanning, and compeletion. for example like electronic signatures before the data, information, and document are sent to people who need that information of organization.

    3. Distribution
      Distribution is tell us about from which media that company want to distribute the data,information and document to all people (user,client, stakeholder) that need the information of organization. There are many media that can company use to distribute the data, information and document :
      1. Internet
      2. E-mail
      3. Fax
      4. Data Transfer
      5. Mobile Devices
      6. Data media like CD and DVD
      7. Digital TV and other multimedia
      8. Paper

C. Who is Create Enterprise Content Management System?

Based on the history of Enterprise Content Management System, Enterprise content Management System is development of Electronic Document Management System in 1980s and in beginning of 1990s. In the past company just focus on 4 ways, its imaging, workflow, document management, Enterprise Relationship Management. At that time, Electronic Development Management System is just focus on imaging and workflow system of one department and focus to make paperless and impove the security of information because by paper sometime it can be loss and to make effective and efficiently in time because it can make easily access with using of system rather than paper.

In the late of 1990s, the Electroninc Development Management System get some development. Before the system just focus on the department workflow and information and now the system is focus on customer relation and customer service department. With this system, the company try to combine the Electronic Development Management System to imaging, document management and workflow to allow agent to give good customer inquiries.

In 2001, the name of enterptise is used to refer the integrated system so start from 2001 the industry change the name from Electroninc Development Management System to Enterprise Content Management System.

In 2006, all of software company like Microsoft and Oracle offer the best software to organization related to Enterprise Content Management System. Microsoft with Share point and Oracle with Content Product Management of Oracle.

And there is many software company that make some development and offer software program too related with Enterprise Content Management System, like Alfresco, KnowledgeTree, Nuxeo dan Plone.

D. When Condition that suitable to implement Enterprise Content Management System?


The condition that suitable to implement Enterprise Content Mnagement System is when the company actually become the one of the big company and have structure that clear about the member, financial, capital, and big reputation among all stakeholder. Because to implement this system is need much money or investment in technologies so high, if the company dont have the good structure in financial, member, and reputation it will be difficult for the company to implement Enterprise Content Management System.

E. Where the region that have biggest market revenue of using Enterprise Content Management System?


Based on the data that i get from Transparency Market Research Analysis in december 2017, it show that North America as a region that have the biggest market share in global enterprise content management market with 3,789.2 million of US$. Its kind of surprised because as we know the region that expected to be highest in global Enterprise Content Management System is Asia Pacific because as we know there is many countries in Asia that use technology to develop the information of their organization like china, japan and korea.

F. How Enterprise Content Management System is work?

There are three methods that you can use to implement Enterprise Content Management System:

  1. On-premises
    For On-premises method, Enterprise Content Management invloved in traditional software application that implemented in their company network. In this method, The company focus to manage and maintain the ECM application, and network storage device that store data for individual company needs. For example like use Scanner for scanning paper document that have information of the company. It can capture the information from the paper to the electronic files so it can be transferred on CD,DVD, or other external storage devices. This method focus in deploying in-house network.

  2. Software as a service (SaaS)
    For Software as a service (SaaS) method, Enterprise Content Managemnt means that users of the company access the application of ECM and their data online. In general, we also call it as cloud computing, hosted, and on-demand. In Saas method give the company to more quickly to deliver the information because the company don’t need to purchase hardware and configure of the application, database, and server because using SaaS they have already simple configuration that help company to accomodate company growth.

  3. Hybrid
    For Hybird Method, In some condition, companies find a hybrid method that work best for their some situation. Hybird method is method that used both of method (on-premises and SaaS method). Example the application of hybird method is when company use on-premises method to manage he information of the company and use SaaS method to give the information of the company to business partner through Web access in online basis so the business partner can easily access anywhere and anytime.

G. What is the difference between Enterprise Content Management System (ECMS) and Content Management System (CMS)

  1. Based on Definition
    CMS: Software used to create, edit, manage, and publish content in a consistently organized fashion
    ECM: a concept of management system that consist of combination of strategies, methods, and tools that used to capture, manage, store, preserve and deliver information (content and document) of organizational process

  2. Capture/Create
    CMS: Capture and Create by built in editors and integration with MS Office
    ECM: in ECM, process of Capture and Create is more further than CMS by Built in editors and integration with MS Office,and integrated scanning plus imaging

  3. Manage
    CMS: the manage process in CMS more simpy just use Library services and metadata management, approval or editorial workflows
    ECM: in ECM, Manage process more further by use Library services and metadata management, records retention and disposal. Last, make complex workflow as part of Business Process Management

  4. Store
    CMS: Work in progress, staging and ‘live’ environments may all hold copies of same version
    ECM: For the storage, ECM use Sophisticated storage management and its make ECM more reach the whole because in thats management storage including integration with storage hardware plus ‘single instance’ storage or other de-duplication technologies

  5. Preserve
    CMS: just preserve in short term like Snapshots of websites and content
    ECM: Long term archiving and digital preservation, and ECM more integrated with storage

  6. Deliver
    CMS: just deliver to the web including mobile devices
    ECM:  deliver to many place, like to the web, to the desktop client, to other software and systems, to print, etc.

  7. Features
    CMS: CMS provides features to manage web content
    ECMS: Features of Enterprise Content Management will be more farther by extending them into different areas such as: Document imaging, Document management, Records management, Digital asset management, Workflow management / Business process management, Web content management, Knowledge management, Collaboration.

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