What is E-Ticketing??



Raisa Salsabila


This time we will discuss about e-ticket, what is e ticket? E-ticketing or electronic ticketing is a way of documenting the sales process of customer's travel activities without having to issue physically valuable documents or paper tickets. All information on electronic ticketing is stored digitally in airline's computer systems. As proof of E-Ticket's expenditure, customer will be given Itinerary Receipt which only valid as alt to enter into an airport in Indonesia which still require passengers to carry travel proof. E-ticketing (ET) is an opportunity to minimize costs and optimize passenger comfort. E-ticketing reduces the cost of the ticketing process, removes paper form and increases the flexibility of passengers and travel agents in making changes in travel itinerary.

In line with the development of information technology, the Internet is now emerging as an alternative travel information distribution system. The Internet is the perfect medium for selling travel packages, as the internet can bring a vast network of suppliers and large customer base to a central market place. The other sense of E-Ticketing, or online ticket sales, is one way for people to buy tickets for local events. An online ticket booking facility designed to help community groups who do not have access to this type of system. This allows community groups to increase their activities and sell tickets online through the Kingston Council website.

E-Ticketing system to make it easier for people to buy tickets for various events all from one website. Tickets can be purchased with cash, checks, or credit / debit cards. People without access to the internet can book tickets via the public internet at the terminal or library at the Information Center and Visitor Center.

You no longer need to spend time worrying about 'security' flight tickets later. Forget the risk of missing tickets, stolen, left behind, or even splashing water. Even E-ticketing allows you, buy tickets for relatives on the spur of the moment. This ease of convenience, is a testament to Garuda Indonesia's commitment to its customers.

Anyone can buy tickets on the online system. You must register on our payment system to use the facilities. This is a very simple process and helps you save the data you have purchased the tickets. Promoters have secure areas on e-ticket sites where they can monitor sales and print off lists of people who book to attend their events. You need to register before you can start selling tickets. The registration process to request information on personal contact details as well as details and groupsof people who must pay income tickets. The registration process also requires you to accept the terms and conditions for on-line ticket sales.

Benefits of e-ticketing

Currently there are only a few ways to buy tickets for community art activities. This system will give you quick and easy access to various events through a single site. This can be used to purchase tickets using credit / debit cards and checks, with many ticket outlets not available at this time. It is also completely safe.

Any organization that plans an event and is responsible for ticket sales for activities can increase activity on the website. All promoters who register will be approved by an administrator before they can start selling tickets so only those who can show that they are the main Events will be allowed to promote the event. This system allows you to promote activities for free and sell tickets for events to a wider audience. It also means you do not have to pay a fee to set up this system or administration.

E-ticketing provides many benefits including:

a. Deposit Charges - Reduce costs associated with printing and mailing ticket tickets to buyers. Eliminating or reducing requires tickets for stock, envelopes, and post.

b. Labor Savings - Reduced manpower associated with printing and mailing tickets. Cut down on the effort required to take a ticket to buy Will Call the order.

c. Safe and Safe - E-Tickets are safe and secure. Barcode validation eliminates the possibility of false and duplicate tickets.

d. The actual presence of Reporting - Find out how many of your e-ticket patrons attended your event and when they arrived.

e. Instant Shipping - Ticket buyers are happy to be able to print their tickets immediately. No need to wait for mail or wait in line at the event. Customers can print their electronic ticket as soon as they buy it. This makes e-tickets ideal for last minute gifts or last minute decisions.

f. Additional information - E-Tickets provide space for additional information such as road maps, directions, and other customer information you may need to know.

g. Advertising - E-Ticket provides unique advertising capabilities. Increase your company revenue by offering ad space on your web ticket.

While maintaining high safety standards is a top priority for ensuring flight safety, a number of full-service airlines have adopted their e-tickets as part of efforts to improve service to customers. E-passenger ticket system which allows an airfare book to get a copy of their receipt containing the inventor's record or reservation number and e-ticket number. That e-ticket is very profitable for both airlines and travelers. Eliminating these problems and the costs that travelers experience when they lose paper tickets. If a boarding ticket is lost, getting a replacement is often as easy as going up to the ticket counter and giving you a confirmation number for a new one. As for airlines, e-tickets are cheaper and more efficient method of ticket management. It removes the manual tasks required to process and account for flight ticket paper and save the cost of other materials, such as jacket tickets.

A passenger holding an e-ticket has the option of checking in online and printing out his boarding tickets at home or at the office. This service is available between 30 hours and one hour before passenger departure schedule. With benefits for both airlines and passengers, it is not surprising that more airlines are setting up an electronic ticketing system - something that has received an enthusiastic response from passengers around the world.

Steps e-ticketing

The process of e-ticketing there are several steps that can be done to facilitate us in ordering tickets online where with e-ticketing we bother queuing up in order tickets. As a mobile, busy and familiar with e-lifestyle, there are several options available to you. Call Center selected airline. The next step is payment. With ease of convenience, you can do it via ATM, as well as credit cards. Call Center which ensures security when entering credit card number. Guaranteed all your information will be stored neatly and safely. If you are lagging behind a travel receipt, you can request a duplicate in all airline ticket sales offices (airports).

Problems and Examples

Currently the problem of air transportation services is very serious occurred in urban areas, especially in major cities and metropolitan cities in the world. The dominance of aircraft users in passing the journey is not balanced with the number of aircraft available. will eventually lead to high passenger density at airports. This condition will eventually lead to classic problems in every airline company, as well as flight route problems, improper flight schedules and ticket reservations and more.

One of the fundamental solutions from the government especially regarding ticket booking is by implementing an e-ticketing system on every airline available. Because with the e-ticketing system can facilitate us in obtaining tickets.

But behind the ease-of-existence there are also some problems including:

  • Not everyone understands about the internet means it cannot operate internet itself
  • Limitations of the airlines in marketing tickets online
  • Not everyone knows about how to order tickets online
  • Not everyone knows and understands well about e-ticketing

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