Management project

management project definition

Project is a series of jobs that are set within a certain time interval and have a specific purpose. The meaning of the project is an attempt to achieve a certain goal that is limited by time and limited by resources. A project needs to be carefully planned so that the results can also be maximized. In order to achieve this goal manager need a good project management.

Athirah Johari

management project definition

What is project management?

Project management is an application of the best skills or technical skills with limited resource quality so as to achieve the goals or objectives that have been determined by manager to obtain optimal results within a certain time and at the same time pay attention to safety work.

In other words, project management is an activity which their objective is at planning, organizing, directing and supervising and controlling a company organizational resource that purpose to execute one project or work within a certain time frame.

This is because the project is a temporary activity that has been established early in the work and the time of completion to achieve specific and unique goals and outcomes, and in general to generate a useful or value-added change.

As a project management is a scientific discipline in planning, organizing, managing (running and controlling), in order to achieve project objectives, this project is always temporary or contrasting with the business in general. Where production operations have the characteristics of a repetitive activity is usually permanent or semi-permanent possible to produce a product or service.

All projects always contain considerable risks associated with the management used for the project. Projects are done with impunity management can become worse, not only material, time and energy but also credibility and a good relationship. Often, the source of the failure mainly lies in the management. For example, when planning misidentification occurs, both the identification of needs and identify potential so that the table is not compiled in accordance with the actual situation and the cause of the failure of the project.

Why project management is important?

There is a very high failure rate among information systems projects. In almost every organization, information systems projects take more time and money to implement than expected or the complete system is not working properly.

When the information system does not meet expectations or cost too much to develop, the company may not realize the benefits of investing their information systems, and the system may not be able to solve this problem it is meant to be.

Development of the new system needs to be managed carefully and successfully, and how the project is carried out can be the most important factor that influences the outcome.

That is why it is important to have some knowledge of managing information system projects and the reasons why they succeed or fail.

How bad is project being managed?

A project management system development without proper may experience this effect:
  • Costs that far outweigh the budget
  • Unexpected skid time
  • Technical performance is less than expected
  • Failure to get the expected benefits

The information generated by the project fails often not used the way they are intended, or they are not used at all. Users often have to develop a parallel manual system to make this system work. The actual design of the system may fail to understand the important business needs or to improve organizational performance. Information not provided quickly enough to help, perhaps in a format that is impossible to digest and use, or can represent a broken streak of data.

The purpose of project management

The project is a series of related activities designed to achieve specific business objectives. Information systems projects including the development of new information systems, upgrading existing systems, upgrade or replace infrastructure and information technology (IT). Project management refers to the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to achieve specific targets within the budget and time constraints specified.

The purpose of any system project is to embody ideas or ideas that arise from human instincts either individually or organization in the original form with specific project management properties in realizing the objectives.

Project management is done through a systematic approach that is the effort to describe or detail the components of the object to be studied and evaluated problems, weaknesses and needs to find the best alternative solutions are profitable or positive.

Interaction between components has prominent characteristics, in the form of activity interaction (task) that form an event and this event will show the function of each element that builds the system It is to be able to interact between activities required container or adequate facilities. So that project management can achieve goals through clear and specific work of both the form and the process.

Each project management has a "life cycle" of its own. This means that the project has the feel socially and culturally different from both the location and the type of work. As a result of each project have the objective dynamics and the existence of the project as a way to grow is influenced by human activity involved.

Characteristic of project management

Understanding the unique nature of project management as described above can be a valuable lesson and capital in engaging in project management, as project executors are expected to consider in making decisions on each project management action. The characteristic of a project management, among others:
  • Have a systematic or positive systematic approach
  • Typical and outstanding work characteristics
  • A specific life cycle of development
  • The role of project leader is more dominant
  • Have specific goals
  • The end result can be submitted and utilized
  • Involves many types of resources
  • Types of work are unique
  • Limited by a certain clear value (scope, time, quality and cost) so that the project is a means and a vehicle to make a change of ideas or ideas that have been built.

Functions of project management

Project management has a very important function because it will manage the quality, cost, employee safety, environment, information system resources and the risks of a project. There are at least three main functions.
  1. it serves as a planning in running a project. In order for a project to run optimally then carried out careful planning. To do this, it is necessary to prepare a well prepared plan of administration or engineering in order to be implemented properly.
  2. useful as a scheduling system. This is an implementation of the planning phase in which there is a range of time, schedule and progress in the progress of the project. This process includes the process of monitoring and updating the progress of the project.
  3. project management also serves as a control or project control. This function is vital to its role in controlling the success of the project at the end. The main purpose of this is to prevent any deviations that take place during the project. By doing this function can be a control in an effort to optimize the performance, time, and cost required.

Project management also has a scope that we can see. The first is the timing of when a project will begin, the second covering the scope design of the project to be done and the third is the validation of the control and the project if at the time of the process occurs various things that take place.

Example of project management

For example is a building construction project. This is often seen daily. Such as the construction of buildings, hotels, skyscrapers or the construction of various other public facilities.

Examples of other project management such as research projects or product development are made to improve product quality, manufacturing projects that include planning to production.

Not only that another example for example is a capital-intensive project. Such a project is a project that takes a lot of big capital such as land acquisition projects, procurement projects and construction of production facilities.

4 important things in project management

management project definition

Often a project manager bumps into a classic problem in the execution of a project especially IT projects. Late, swollen costs and too demanding owners are examples of the dynamics that exist in a project.

There are 4 important things that a project manager must understand when implementing a project such as project scope, project timeline, project cost and quality of the project itself. These are the main pillars of the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK), a best practice used by all project managers in the world, especially those who have certified as project manager professional (PMP).
  1. Scope
  2. Scope talks about the scope of work done. Sometimes this is a debate between the project executor and the project owner. A wide scope without proper planning or method due to persistent owner requests can affect project execution time and project costs.
  3. Time
  4. This is the time of project implementation. The longer a project is done, the greater the operational cost of the required project. Project time management is good will affect the size of the profit margin of the project.
  5. Cost
  6. Cost is the component of project cost. These components are also interconnected with the previous two components (scope and time) because the size of the project cost will affect the size of the project scope as well as the timeliness of project implementation.
  7. Quality
  8. Quality is the expectation that the owner wants from the project that refers to a certain standard for example ISO. Quality can be achieved by determining the cost, time and scope of the project as needed.

Ideally, a good project is a project that can be completed on time with a budget that has been planned (cost) before in accordance with the scope of work approved (scope) with quality expected (quality).

Measurement of project success

There are four things that underlie the success of the project, which is:
  1. The scope of the project is the boundary of the project management area that includes problems, weaknesses, the need to assess the project feasibility limit.
  2. Project cost is the amount of cost or fund needed for project management, both in implementation and post implementation so that it can determine the amount of required investment and the right operational cost, so that the value of benefits in the project can be achieved with maximum impact on the competitive value of the business to business viability optimal.
  3. Quality of project work is the quality of the process or product of the final project work based on a certain standard or comparison of existing models on the basis of project work contract.
  4. Time of completion of work, is the length of time required to complete a project work by considering and considering the deadline determined by the owner of the project.

In general, the role of the project leader is more dominant and determines the achievement of the project objectives.

10 fields of K.A.P.M (Knowledge Areas and Project Management)

management project definition

  1. Project Integration Management is a place of integration of all existing project management activities in order to optimize project objectives.
  2. Project Scope Management is the boundary of the object to be achieved is a product that has certain features, functions and specifications.
  3. Project Time Management, is the target time of expected output to be utilized at the right time.
  4. Project Cost Management is the allocation of a number of funding sources in the form of investments to finance the needs of project implementation that includes the planning of fund resources, cost estimation, budget cost and cost control.
  5. Project Quality Management is the fulfillment of the basic needs of the resulting output in the form of standardized quality, which includes quality planning, quality assurance and quality control.
  6. Human Resource Management Project is the process of organizing and managing or placing the people involved in the project, so that the person can be exploited of his potential effectively and efficiently.
  7. Project Communication Management is to identifying the needs of stakeholder projects and the desire for the project as a whole.
  8. Project Risk Management is a structured methodological approach to managing threat-related uncertainties.
  9. Project Procurement Management is part of a project management process where products or services are acquired or purchased from outside the existing employee base in order to complete the task or project.
  10. Project Stakeholder Management is the project that explicitly described in terms of the individuals and institutions who share a stake or an interest in the project


In conclusion a project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet the project requirements. Usually an effective project management it takes 1.5 years to 3 years to be implements.

A good project management enables success in delivering vision and strategy in a structured and measured way, more accountability, control, consistency, stakeholder and customer’s satisfaction and also survival during economic downturn.

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